To our wonderful Hazlet community,
Effective January 2, 2019, we (Diana Z. and Jackie) will be ending our time at Hazlet Township Library, and beginning a new adventure at the Ocean Township branch of the Monmouth County Library. This is certainly a bittersweet move for both of us because, although we look forward to our new journey (especially since we’ll be going together!), nothing could ever compare to the feelings we have toward our family at the Hazlet Library.
There are no words to fully express our gratitude for how welcome this close-knit community has made us feel since the beginning, nor our appreciation for your continuous enthusiastic support and genuine warmth.
Special thanks go out to our spectacular colleagues (Diana R., Kathy S., Kathy G., Christine, Kaitlyn, Ariana, and Alexis); our Library Committee, who could not have been more supportive of our programs and vision for the library (Audrey, Ursula, Barbara, Helen, Kelly, Debbie, and Tara); Linda, who keeps our library beautiful; our dedicated volunteers; our Eagle Scouts, who revamped our grounds and interior; our incredible Public Works crew; the Township administrators and Committee members; the Hazlet Police Department; and (most of all) our amazing, incomparable patrons!
Jackie wants to especially thank all of the extraordinary children, parents, and teachers, who have laughed, sang, read, played, and made messes with her. Diana will miss sharing and receiving thoughtful book recommendations, and has loved helping you to embrace emerging technologies (especially using eBooks)! Thank you for all the jokes, gossip, suggestions, advice, group therapy, and true friendships. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. Thank you for teaching us what it means to be part of a truly remarkable community.
We miss you all already! But, we know that the Hazlet Library will continue to grow and thrive, and look forward to hearing about the exciting things coming in the near future.
All our love,
Diana Z. and Jackie